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Hi, I'm Emma, Founder of Daisy Dolittle Pet Services

Emma Hanley founder of Daisy Dolittle Pet Services

Working with Animals Daily Means I am Living My Dream

My name is Emma, and I am the servant to my two sassy rescue felines, Daisy, 13 and Poppy, 10. Daisy was diagnosed with Diabetes in November 2020 and requires Insulin injections twice daily. This was very overwhelming at first but has gotten easier in time. Being a "norti torti," Daisy has not taken to being injected twice a day easily, likes to play hide and seek during injection time, and can get a little aggressive.


I always remain calm, talking and singing to her (much to her displeasure) to put her at ease, which then enables me to administer the Insulin safely and on time.


I have previously owned a snake (Royal Python) called Marmaduke, and many of my friends have pets (dogs, rabbits, hamsters, amongst others). 

I look After Your Pets Like They are My Own

My biggest passion in life is animals; I have grown up around them, big and small and being in the presence of animals is my "happy place". From being greeted by a wiggly bum to the sass and attitude of a feline, I love it all. 


You can take great comfort in knowing that your beloved pet will be treated as if they were my own. They will get lots of cuddles. (if that's what your pet likes), playtime, stimulation, and those who are skittish or not confident around humans and require their own space. Whatever your pet's needs, I am here for them and you.


Contact us.

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